Welcome to the NYIslesScene!

A blog by a long time New York Islanders fan who stays true to the fellas wearing orange, white and blue…but thinks the Islanders organization has some shaping up to do.

Islanders 2014-15 Season Mantra

Try not. Do...or do not.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My NHL Prayer

Dear Hockey Gods – please wield your powers and make the Rangers lose. I live amongst Stranger fans and am still recovering from enduring the fishstick nightmare while living in Philly. Have mercy on me and the rest of the Isles fans in NYC. Oh and one more thing...please work your magic in making the NYI webmaster remove the big heads from the players - I mean how bad a$$ does that look??? Amen.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

My Niece's First NHL Game

The photo is of me taking my niece to her FIRST NHL game. On our way inside to buy tickets the couple in the photo was standing outside asking if anyone wanted free tickets. Since they seemed harmless enough (you never can tell with Flyer fans) I walked on over to inquire. Turned out her boss gave them 4 tickets and they only needed two so into the game for free we went. BONUS. Seeing the Isles play in Philly hadn’t been on my list of things to do since my time living there during the fishstick nightmare but the crowd around us was great and funny as he!! about their own team’s performance. She wore my Isles jacket EVEN THOUGH the colors didn’t match her outfit and her favorite part of the experience was shelling peanuts. One more Isles fan now in the family. If I could only convert my Blackhawk fan nephew- he plays goalie and admires DP so close enough for now. I started going to Isles games at the Coliseum at around age 5 so it was great to share my love of this sport and my team with my niece.